Technologies fill today’s world. There is not a month that goes by where global brands do not launch a new version of their product aimed at making our everyday life easier. Also, the time of the Internet of Things has emerged, therefore translating texts in this field is a pure pleasure of exploration.
POLISH LEADER OF CONSUMER ELECTRONICS – we have been doing translations continuously for five years. The translation involves current, everyday work on industry materials (technology, electronics, household appliances and audio/video devices), providing the services of translators of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech and Russian.

THE LEADER OF THE CLOTHING INDUSTRY – we cooperation in translations in the broadest sense. We have been doing translations and interpreting continuously for six years, fulfilling 900 orders to date. The translation involves current, everyday work on materials relating to the company’s operation (law, economics and training materials) and strictly industry materials (fashion and clothing industry), requiring both translation and editing of the text. The texts are translated in numerous language combinations, e.g. to and from: English, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Latvian, Serbian, Finish, Estonian, Bulgarian, Montenegrin, Albanian and Armenian.